Subscription & billing

Manage your customer’s subscription easily. You can create, update, and cancel subscriptions using Tier SDKs.


Once you have your pricing plan ready, it is important that you subscribe your customer to your pricing plan and also help them manage their current pricing plan as well.

Tier offers you even deeper granularity, you can subscribe them to an entire plan or multiple plans with different versions or make them subscribe to individual features of a plan in any combination that you want, this is completely dependent on your requirements.

Creating a subscription - without saved payment methods

If your customer is using your product for the first time then it is reasonable to believe that you might not have their payment method, but you should still check that using lookupPaymentMethods().

Check for saved payment methods

const paymentDetails = await tier.lookupPaymentMethods(
  "org:customer-id-from-your-db" // This is a concatenation of 'org' and your 'customerId' from your DB

if (!paymentMethod.methods[0] === undefined) {
  // initiate Checkout
} else {
  // Subscribe

Once you know for sure then our suggested way to create a subscription for such customers is to use the checkout() method. This will provide you with a checkout URL that can be used to redirect your customers to Stripe’s secure checkout page which will ask for all the payment details that you might require in the future.

const checkoutResponse = await tier.checkout('org:customer-id-from-your-db',
		"", // Redirect url for your customer on success
    		cancelUrl: "", // Redirect your customer on cancellation
    		features: 'plan:plan-id@version' // Plan ID or it can be an array of feature-ids,
			requireBillingAddress: true, // Optional: If you want to save the address
			trialDays: 30 // Optional: If you your customers to have a product trial

const checkoutUrl = checkoutResponse.url;

Create a subscription - with saved payment methods

If your customer has saved/preferred payment methods in Stripe then you have two different ways you can initiate a subscription for your customer based on when you want your customer to be subscribed to your plan.


You can make use of our subscribe() method if you want to initiate a subscription for this customer immediately or if you want to subscribe your customers to a set of features together on a given day.

await tier.subscribe('org:customer-id-from-your-db',
	'plan:plan-id@version' // or it can be an array of feature-ids,
		effective: new Date("Sun May 12, 2023"), // Optional: Provide effective data of subscription
		paymentMethodID: 'payment-method-id', //Optional: provide if your customer wants to use something different from the default
		trialDays: 30 // Optional: If you your customers to have a product trial
		info: {
			// Optional: Update the organization/customer information if required,
			// and provide all details even if you want to change just one field
			name: 'Customer name', // Optional: update customer name if needed
			email: '', // Optional: update customer email if needed
			phone: '+11 1111 1111', // Optional: update customer email if needed
			metadata: {}, // Optional: add any additional details as metadata
			description: 'description', // Optional: update customer description if needed
			invoiceSettings: {
				defaultPaymentMethod: 'payment-method-id', // Optional: update customer default payment method if needed


You could use schedule() if you prefer to subscribe your customer to your plan after a fixed schedule or combination of different dates.

await tier.schedule(
  // Array of phases
    // Phase 1
      features: ["plan:basic@2"],
      effective: new Date("Sun May 12, 2023"), // Optional: Provide effective data of subscription
      trial: false,
    // Phase 2
      features: [
      effective: new Date("Sun May 20, 2023"), // Optional: Provide effective data of subscription
      trial: false,
    paymentMethodID: "payment-method-id", //Optional: provide if your customer wants to use something different from the default
    info: {
      // Optional: Update the organization/customer information if required,
      // and provide all details even if you want to change just one field
      name: "Customer name", // Optional: update customer name if needed
      email: "", // Optional: update customer email if needed
      phone: "+11 1111 1111", // Optional: update customer email if needed
      metadata: {}, // Optional: add any additional details as metadata
      description: "description", // Optional: update customer description if needed
      invoiceSettings: {
        defaultPaymentMethod: "payment-method-id", // Optional: update customer default payment method if needed

Update a subscription

Based on your strategy you can either update the subscription of your customer immediately using subscribe() or you can schedule the new subscription using schedule()as mentioned in the above section except here you will be mentioning the new plan/features that your customer is subscribing to.

Cancel a subscription

You can immediately cancel the subscription of your customer by invoking the cancel() method.

await tier.cancel("org:customer-id-from-your-db")